21 research outputs found

    Role of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Cadmium Uptake by Ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich) Grown on Cadmium Contaminated Soil

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    ABSTRACTContinues phosphate fertilization as well as organic matter amendment can increase cadmium concentrationin soil and induce more cadmium uptake by plants. Pytoremediation using non edible plant such as ramie(Boehmeria nivea L. Goud) is cheap and effective method to extract Cd from Cd-contaminated soil. Since inplant tissue Cd is bound in phytochelatin peptide which contains nitrogen and sulphur, the objective of thisgreen house experiment was to assess the influence of nitrogen fertilizer in form of urea on cadmiumuptake, nitrogen and sulphur concentration in shoots as well as shoot dry weight of 60-day old ramiegrown in cadmium-contaminated soil. The experiment was set up in a Split Plot Design with two treatmentsand three replications. The main plot was cadmium levels (0, 10 and 15 mg kg-1) and subplot was urea level(0, 5.0 and 7.5 g pot-1). The result showed that the increase of cadmium concentration in soil enhanced itsconcentration in ramie shoot regardless of urea levels. However either cadmium or urea did not changesulphur concentration in ramie shoot. Urea of 7,5 g/pot increased shoot dry weight but adding CdCl2.H2O of15 mg/kg did not change shoot dry weight. This experiment demonstrated that ramie was able to grow inrelatively high level of soil cadmium, and higher cadmium uptake by ramie shoot was not followed by anincrease in nitrogen as well as sulphur uptake.Keywords: Cadmium, Urea, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Ramie

    Responses of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) to Glomus sp. Combined with Pseudomonas diminuta at Different Rates of NPK Fertilizers

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    Conventional farming for potato production in Indonesia has been using NPK fertilizer at high application rates. Any adverse environmental effects that might arise trough this fertilizer use shall be avoided. Application of bioferrtilizer consisted of ArbuscularMycorrhizal Fungi (Glomus sp.) isolated from the potato farming area and Mycorrhizal Helper Bacteria (Pseudomonas diminuta) have been tested to reduce the use of NPK rates in the production of potato crops. The inoculant has been pot-cultured prior to its application on potato crops. The controlled-field site experiment, used the mixtures of spores of Glomus sp. and inoculant of Pseudomonas diminuta, applied at different rates of NPK fertilizer. Results of the experiment showed that the application of Glomus sp. and Pseudomonas diminuta reduced the use of NPK up to 50%, where the growth, nutrients uptake(N,P,K), and tubers of potato had similar effect to the highest recommendation rate of NPK fertilizer (being applied by the farmers). Findings from this experiment confirmed the evidences that application of AM fungi and mycorrhizal helper bacteria could reduce the use of chemical fertilizer which support sustainable farming system. Further step has been done to scale up the production of inoculants for the wider use by local farmers. Keywords:Glomus, Pseudomonas, mycorrhiza, potato, NPK fertilizer

    Mycorrhiza Enhanced Protein and Lipid Contents of Potatoes Grown on Inceptisol with Addition of Organic Matter

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    Enhancement of productivity of potato plants grown on poor-P soil such as Inceptisols due to application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) has been acknowledged. However, whether this AMF improved the quality of potato tubers is still need further investigation. This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of AMF in enhancing potato quality and determine whether the addition of compost and biochar to soil can support the productivity of this biofertilizer in enhancing the nutrient content in the tubers of potato plant. Screen house experiment was set up in factorial design with treatments were organic matter types (compost and compost plus biochar), and application of arbuscular mycorrhiza (without and with AMF consisted of Glomus sp. and Gigaspora sp.). Results of experiment showed that there was no interaction effect between organic matter and AMF on quality of potato tubers, however, the individual treatment especially AMF  increased the content of protein and lipid of potato tubers. Biochar that added to soil with compost was also increased the lipid content of potato tubers. This finding showed that AMF application in potato production grown in poor P-soil was not only increased the yield of potato, but also increased the quality of potato tubers

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi dan Interval Aplikasi Pupuk Hayati Terhadap Kandungan N Tanaman, N-Total Tanah, Populasi Bakteri Endofitik, dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.)

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of Azolla biofertilizer application on plant N content, total soil N, endophytic bacteria population, and yield of pakcoy on Inceptisol Jatinangor soil. The research was carried out from August until November 2021 at Plastic House of the Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang with an altitude of ±750 m above sea level. The research was arranged in Factorial Randomized Block Design. The first factor was the concentration of biofertilizer were 5 ml L-1; 10 ml L-1; 15 ml L-1; and 20 ml L-1. The second factor was application intervals of one time, two times, and three times with three replications. Results showed that no interaction between various concentrations and application intervals of biofertilizer application on all parameters. The concentration of biofertilizer had significant effects on total nitrogen (N) soil, endophytic bacteria population, and yield of pakcoy, but had no significant effect on plant N content. The application intervals of biofertilizer did not affect on all parameters. Furthermore, the treatment of biofertilizer with concentration of 10 ml L-1 gave highest yield on the yield of pakcoy parameter which was 164.89 g but was not significantly different from the treatment with concentration of 15 ml L-1 and 20 ml L-1

    Effects of soil ameliorant composition on soil properties and chili (Capsicum annuum L.) yield in inceptisols Jatinangor

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    Inorganic fertilizers have an important role in improving the productivity of chili plants, but continuous use will cause soil quality to decline. The use of ameliorant is expected to improve soil quality. This experiment was aimed to find out the best effect of ameliorant composition and dose on organic-C, soil pH, population of phosphate solubilizing bacteria, and yield of chili plant in Inceptisols Jatinangor. The research was conducted in plastic house of Agricultural Faculty of Padjadjaran University on January – Mei 2018. The design experiment was factorial randomizedblock design which consisted of two factors with three replications. The first factor was ameliorant composition consisting of four levels (a1 = 80% cow manure + 20% Biochar Coconut Shell ; a2 = 95% Composition a1 + 5% Dolomite and Guano ; a3 = 90% Composition a1 + 10% dolomite and guano; a4 = 85% composition a1 + 15% dolomite and guano), and the second factor was ameliorant dose consisting of four levels (t0 = 0 t ha-1 ; t1 = 2 t ha-1 ; t2 = 4 t ha-1 ; t3= 6 t ha-1). The results showed that there were no interaction between composition and dose of ameliorant to organic-C, soil pH, population of phosphate solubilizing bacteria, and yield of chili on Inceptisols Jatinangor. The 4 t ha-1 of ameliorant dose increased organic-C, soil pH, population of phosphate solubilizing bacteria, and yield of chili plant by 44,9%.ABSTRAK Pupuk anorganik meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman cabai, namun penggunaan terus menerus akan menyebabkan kualitas tanah menurun. Penggunaan amelioran diharapkan dapat memperbaiki kualitas tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi dan dosis amelioran terbaik terhadap C organik, pH tanah, populasi bakteri pelarut fosfat, dan hasil tanaman cabai di Inceptisols Jatinangor. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah plastik Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran bulan Januari – Mei 2018 menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial terdiri dari dua faktor dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah komposisi amelioran yang terdiri dari empat taraf (a1 = 80% kotoran sapi + 20% biochar batok kelapa; a2 = 95% komposisi a1 + 5% dolomit dan guano; a3 = 90% komposisi a1 + 10% dolomit dan guano; a4 = 85% komposisi a1 + 15% dolomit dan guano), dan faktor kedua adalah dosis amelioran yang terdiri dari empat taraf (t0 = 0 t ha-1 ; t1 = 2 t ha-1 ; t2 = 4 t ha-1 ; t3= 6 t ha-1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat interaksi antara komposisi dan dosis amelioran terhadap C-organik, pH tanah, populasi BPF, dan hasil cabai pada Inceptisols Jatinangor. Dosis amelioran 4 t ha-1 meningkatkan C-organik, pH tanah, populasi BPF, dan meningkatkan hasil tanaman cabai sebesar 44,9%

    Peningkatan Kualitas Tanah Bekas Tambang Pasir Melalui Penambahan Amelioran Biologis

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    ABSTRACTImproving soil quality from sand mining area by application of biological ameliorantsSoil from disturbed mine sites render to be unfertile and have poor characteristics. One of the solutions to improve the soil and to rehabilitate the ecosystem is through application of biological amendments such as organic matter, soil microbes, and plant which known to be adaptive such as dragon fruit (Hylocereus costaricensis). This study was aimed at understanding the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and organic matter on soil C-organic, soil N-total, soil C/N, and length of bud of dragon fruits grown on soil originated from sand mining, Sumedang, Indonesia under greenhouse condition. Different types of organic matter i.e. chicken manure, goat manure, cow manure and rabbit manure were applied. Results of experiment showed that application of manures and AMF was significantly improved soil C-organic content, N-total, and C/N, as well as length of bud of dragon fruit plants. Planting soil from sand mine sites with dragon fruit combined with organic matter and mycorrhiza has potential as restoration tools on ecosystem of sand-mining areas.Keywords: Sand-mine, Mycorrhiza, Manure, Dragon fruitABSTRAKTanah pada lahan bekas tambang galian pasir memiliki tingkat kesuburan yang rendah. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas tanah dan ekosistem di wilayah penambangan pasir adalah melalui aplikasi amelioran biologis berupa bahan organik, mikroba tanah, dan tanaman yang dikenal adaptif terhadap lahan berpasir, seperti buah naga (Hylocereus costaricensis). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek pemberian berbagai jenis pupuk kandang (PK: berasal dari kotoran ayam, kambing, sapi, dan kelinci) dan fungi mikoriza arbuskula (FMA) terhadap kandungan C-organik, N-total, C/N tanah dan panjang tunas bibit buah naga super merah yang ditanam pada tanah bekas tambang pasir asal Sumedang, Indonesia pada kondisi rumah kaca. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pemberikan pupuk kandang dan mikoriza meningkatkan kandungan C-organik, N-total, C/N tanah dan panjang tunas bibit buah naga super merah secara nyata. Kombinasi PK sapi dengan FMA atau PK kelinci tanpa FMA menghasilkan tunas bibit buah naga terbaik. Penanaman buah naga di lahan bekas tambang pasir yang dikombinasikan dengan pupuk kandang dan mikroba tanah seperti fungi mikoriza memiliki potensi sebagai sarana untuk restorasi ekosistem di wilayah penambangan pasir.Kata kunci: Tambang pasir galian C, Pupuk kandang, Mikoriza, Buah nag


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    Pencemaran tanah oleh logam berat dapat menurunkan produktivitas tanah. Untuk itu perlu dicari alternatif solusi untuk menanggulangi dampak negatif dari logam berat. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh macam amelioran dandosis Cr terhadap pH, Cr total tanah, serapan Cr dan hasil tanaman selada (Lactuca sativa L) pada Andisols asal Lembang. Percobaan dilaksanakan di rumah kaca dengan ketinggian tempat ± 700 m dpl dari Mei sampai dengan Juli 2010.Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial, dengan dua kali ulangan. Faktor pertama yaitu macam amelioran, terdiri atas lima taraf: tanpa amelioran (kontrol), kompos serasah daun jagung, arang sekam, zeolit dan dolomit. Sedangkan faktor kedua yaitu dosis Cr, terdiri atas empat taraf: Cr 0 ppm, 15 ppm, 30 ppm, 45 ppm.Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa terjadi interaksi antara macam amelioran dan dosis Cr terhadapCr total tanah dan serapan Cr, akan tetapi tidak terjadi interaksi terhadap pH tanah dan hasil selada. Amelioran terbaik dalam meningkatkan pH tanah dan menurunkan serapan Cr oleh tanaman serta memberikan rata-rata hasil tanaman selada terbaik adalah dolomit, sedangkan amelioran terbaik yang mampu menurunkan rata-rata Cr total tanah hingga 69,5 ppm adalah arang sekam. Hasil penelitian secara umum memperlihatkan bahwa dolomit lebih baik digunakan untuk memperkecil serapan Cr sebesar 0,006 ppb, meningkatkan pH hingga 5,21 dan hasil tanaman sebesar 41,6 gr polibeg -1yang ditanam pada tanah tercemar logam berat (Cr)

    Response of Walkwater Growth to Giving of Fishing Waste-Based POC to Inceptisol

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    Agricultural land that has low nutrient status can inhibit plant growth, so it is necessary to add nutrients to the soil without causing enviromental damage.  The research was aimed to observed growth response of kangkong on combination NPK and level doses of POC fishery wasted on Inceptisol soil.The research was aimed to observed growth response of kangkong on combination NPK and level doses of POC fishery wasted on Inceptisol soil. This research used a split plot design, the main plot consists of: V0 (without used NPK) and V1 (used NPK).Data analysis using variance with the DSAASTAT application. If the variance shows a significant effect, then it is continued with Duncan’s multiple range test (UJBD) at the 95% level of confidence. The results showed  application of POC based on fishery wasted added with NPK can provide a good responses to the heigh of the kangkong plant, the number of kangkong leaves, the fresh weight of kangkong roots and leaves, the dry weight of kangkong roots and leaves and the increase in the number of AMF spores in the rhizosphere of kangkong plants. The best responsed influence of the growth of kangkong plants was combination of NPK and 75% POC doses based on fishery wasted. Utilization of processed fishery wasted as POC can be alternative as an enviromentally friendly organic fertilizer in increasing the yield of kangkong plants


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    Utilizing organic fertilizer Azolla pinnata is needed especially for rice commodity which planted in salin soil in coast area for increasing the efficiency of inorganic fertilizer by adding organic matters. This research was aimed to get the best combination of utilizing organic fertilizer Azolla pinnata to increase total organic carbon, nitrogen uptake, and dry weight of rice in saline soil. This research used Randomized Complete Block Design experiment which consisted of eight combinations of treatment. Those are treatment of salinity 0, 2, 4 and 6 mmhos cm-1 + without utilizing organic fertilizer Azolla pinnata and treatment of salinity 0, 2, 4, and 6 mmhos cm-1 + utilizing organic fertilizer Azolla pinnata. The result showed that utilizing organic fertilizer Azolla pinnata can reduce the negative effect from salinity which proven by increased N uptake of rice in treatment of salinity 6 mmhos cm-1.Keywords: Azolla pinnata, Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Soil with high salinity leve

    Pengaruh Aplikasi Pupuk Hayati, Vermikompos dan Pupuk Anorganik terhadap Kandungan N, Populasi Azotobacter SP. dan Hasil Kedelai Edamame (Glycine Max (L.) Merill) pada Inceptisols Jatinangor.

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    In Indonesia, Inceptisols is the largest soil order on which intensive agriculture is done. The fertility of this soil order is low, so that it is necessary to improve the soil fertility by using biofertilizers and organic matter. The objectives of this experiment were to determine the effect of a biofertilizer that contains microbe Azotobacter sp., Vermicompost and N, P, K Fertilizer on N content, the population of Azotobacter sp., and the yield of the Edamame soybeans at Inceptisols Jatinangor. A Field experiment was conducted by using Randomized Blocked Design consisted of 10 treatments and three replication. The combinations of these treatments consisted of: control (no treatment), the dose recommendation Urea 100 kg ha-1 + SP36 150 kg ha-1 + KCl 125 kg ha-1, 5 ton ha-1 vermicompost + ½ recommendation ha-1 N, P, K, 5 ton ha-1 vermicompost + 1 recommendation ha-1 N, P, K, 5 ton ha-1 vermicompost + 1½ recommendation ha-1 N, P, K, 10 ton ha-1 vermicompost + ½ recommendation ha-1 N, P, K, 10 ton ha-1 vermicompost + 1 recommendation ha-1 N, P, K, 10 ton ha-1 vermicompost + 1½ recommendation ha-1 N, P, K, 5 ton ha-1 vermicompost + ½ recommendation ha-1 N, P, K + liquid biofertilizers 5 L ha-1, 10 ton ha-1 Vermicompost + ½ recommendation ha-1 N, P, K + liquid biofertilizers 5 L ha-1. The experimental results showed that the combined treatment of liquid biofertilizer, Vermicompost and N, P, K fertilizer enhanced the population of Azotobacter sp. and weight of soybean but did not significantly influence N uptake